Preach the Word

4 April 2020

Series: Sermon

Preach the Word
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Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5


2 Timothy 4:1-5


‘The story is told about an old American Indian who attended a church service one Sunday morning. The preacher’s message lacked real spiritual food, so he did a lot of shouting and pulpit pounding to cover up his lack of preparation. In fact, as it is sometimes said, he “preached up quite a storm.” After the service, someone asked the Indian, who was a Christian, what he thought of the minister’s message. Thinking for a moment, he summed up his opinion in six words: “High wind. Big thunder. No rain.” Yes, when the Scriptures are neglected, there is “no rain.” Only when preaching is based on God’s Word are his people blessed and refreshed.’

  1. The Seriousness of the Charge  (v.1)

“I charge thee”

  1. The Eyewitnesses to the Charge  (v.1)
    1. “Before God” (In the presence of God)
    2. “And the Lord Jesus Christ”
    1. The Accountability Factor – “Who shall judge the quick and the dead”
    1. The Imminent Return Factor – “At His appearing and His kingdom”
  1. The Content of the Charge  (v.2)
    1. “Preach the Word” – Proclaim God’s Word
      1. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)
      2. Preaching is God’s chosen method to save men (1 Cor. 1:18, 21)
    1. “Be instant” – Means to take a stand, to stick to it
    1. “In season, out of season”
      1. Preach when it is favorable and unfavorable
      2. Preach the whole counsel of God – all topics (Acts 20:20,27-28)
      3. Take advantage of every opportunity to Preach the Word
    1. “Reprove “ – To put a person under conviction of their sin and lead him to confession and repentance. Nathan confronted David with his sin of adultery (2 Sam. 12:1-14)
    1. “Rebuke” – A stern warning to convince a person of his sin and the penalty of the sin.
    2. “Exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” – Exhort means to encourage, comfort and help.
      1. Exhort with all longsuffering – patiently encourage regardless of circumstances.

Suffer without anger or resentment. Never give up on a person as Christ has the power to change lives.

      1. Exhort with all doctrine (teaching)
  1. The Reason for the Charge  (vv. 3-4)
    1. People will not endure sound doctrine (v.3)
    1. People will want teachers who will allow them to live like they desire (v.3)
    1. Adulterated Messages are the popular preference (v.4)
  1. The Essentials of the Charge  (v. 5)
    1. We must watch in all things – Always be alert, calm and cool headed in all situations
    2. We must endure affliction – Preaching the word and taking a stand for Christ will cost you something.
    1. We must do the work of a soul-winner – Share the Gospel/Jesus Saves
    2. We must complete and fulfill our ministry

We must carry our ministries out to the end, fully performing all the duties of it.


PREACH THE WORD! I challenge you to remember this charge and I pray that you will be blessed with a long and fruitful ministry for the Glory of God.

From the Preaching Ministry of

Brother Carl Bennett

April 5, 2020