6 May 2020
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Carl Bennett
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! In this Bible Lesson we will study the word MOTHER in an acronym. The acronym M-O-T-H-E-R represents: (1) MERCY, (2) OBEDIENCE, (3) TEACHER, (4) HOPE, (5) ETERNAL LIFE, and (6) REWARD.
22 April 2020
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Carl Bennett
“For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom 6:23)
15 April 2020
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Just imagine what your life would be like if Jesus’ Resurrection was a hoax. This would… read more
6 April 2020
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Christian Fellowship is the act of meeting with those who are Born Again and who possess the same general beliefs. It is the sharing of knowledge and the trials and triumphs of life among those who are called and chosen of God. Such regular fellowship meetings are an essential element in a Believer’s growth and development.
306 E. Jefferson Street
Quincy, FL 32353
Phone: (850) 322-4123
Worship Service: First – Fourth Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m