23 October 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
According to Alexander McClaren, the early church was not looking for the undertaker, they were looking for the “Uppertaker.” Therefore, we ought to be looking for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the same way.
19 October 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments:… read more
9 October 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Prayer is having a personal relationship with God. Prayer is a Practice – It must be done again, and again, and again.
4 October 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Robert Lowry – Baptist Preacher – wrote this Hymn as a reminder of what truly saves us from sin: Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.
25 September 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
In today’s message, Jesus’ Parable illustrates the Pharisee’s own “form of godliness.” The Pharisee’s pride in his own qualities and pride in his own good moral character. In contrast, stood the Publican, admitting in humility his sin before God.
19 September 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Worry or Pray – Why pray when you can worry? Why worry when you can pray? One of the best remedies for a troubled heart is prayer.
10 September 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
In John 14:3, Jesus said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you,… read more
5 September 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Jesus Christ established two ordinances for Christian Believers to observe – (1) Baptism and (2)… read more
28 August 2022
Series: Sermon
Speaker: Carl Bennett
Belief in the Eternal God is the primary foundation of Christian faith. God has always existed. He never came into Being and He will never cease to exist.
306 E. Jefferson Street
Quincy, FL 32353
Phone: (850) 322-4123
Worship Service: First – Fourth Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m